Anna Alsina Naudi (Princeton University) and Nicolás Espejo Yáksic (Research Center for Constitutional Studies of the Supreme Court of Mexico) organized a full-day workshop sponsored by SPIA, Princeton Center for Human Values, the Humanities Council and the Spanish & Portuguese Department. It was a very inspiring and creative day. We’re grateful to all participants who brought so much to this roundtable conversation!
Scholars from many different countries presented on the rights of persons with disabilities in the justice system in Latin America (Renato Constantino, from Pontificia Universidad Católica, Perú, and Marcela Tenorio Delgado, from Universidad de los Andes, Chile), on child friendly justice (Nicolás Espejo Yáksic and Maurizio Sovino, National Prosecutor’s Office, Chile), on the rights of indigenous people before justice (Sebastián Valencia, from the RCCS of the Supreme Court of Mexico and Paulo Bacca, from DeJusticia, Colombia), on gender justice (Alma Beltrán y Puga, Universidad Iberoamericana, México), and finally on language obstacles, translation and literacy (Anna Alsina Naudi, Javier Moreno-Rivero, CUNY, and Katie Becker, Juris Doctor Candidate Princeton SPIA and Yale Law School).
The papers will be collected and published as an edited volume by Tirant Lo Blanch by the beginning of 2024.

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