Raquel Mattson-Prieto organized and chaired the panel Identities in Formation: Sociocultural Realities and Imagined Communities at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 2022 Congress. The panel featured papers by Mattson-Prieto and Princeton colleagues, Daniela Salcedo Arnaiz and Anais Holgado Lage, in addition to two other panelists, Yohana Gil Berrio (Boston College) and Daniel Guarín (Temple University). The panel focused on the constructs of identity, imagined communities, and language ideologies in educational and sociopolitical contexts. Panelists’ presentations approached the following topics: how heritage speakers of Caribbean Spanish varieties navigate classroom discourses that center on the acquisition of a “Standard” Spanish (Mattson-Prieto); how heritage (HL) and L2 Spanish learners, enrolled in the same class negotiate small-group information exchange tasks (Gil Berrio); how Spanish language courses for L2 learners can promote multilingual cooperation among cultures without leaving U.S. soil (Holgado Lage); language attitudes and ideologies behind the linguistic identities of political candidates in Perú (Salcedo Arnaiz); and the relationship between L2 identity and pronouns of address variability by learners of Spanish in the U.S. (Guarín).
The conference took place from May 5 – 8, 2022 – originally it was to be held in San Francisco, CA, but due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the annual congress was moved to a virtual format.
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