Video Contest

SPA 102 Global Citizenship and Social Commitment Project

By Adriana Merino (course coordinator)

SPA 102 students engaged in a semester-long project called Social Commitment as Social Change Agents. The aim of the project was to explore relevant real-world issues within the Spanish-speaking world, topics discussed in class such as work, health, the environment, civic engagement, service, and volunteerism. In so doing, the students combined their academic interests in a particular area with the language they are studying, Spanish. The outcome was an online publication that required using multiliteracies through digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements).

As part of the project, each group of students created a social video related to their social cause. This video was entered into a competition to see which group created the best video across all 13 sections of SPA 102. Students were first judged by their peers to choose semifinalists, and then the instructors selected the winning group.

The first prize went to Mina Lee, Dale Tiongson, Caroline Timm and Christian Brown (profesora Daniela Salcedo), who investigated violence against migrant children from Central America. This group wants to create awareness about abusive treatment on the border, and advocate for the victims’ silent voices, stating that all human beings deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their social or legal status, ethnic background, or race – and children, in particular, deserve special protection.

Their video can be found here, and their digital publication can be found here.

For the winners, our heartfelt congratulations for their dedication, effort, and great job!


– “Los profes” de SPA 102 (Anna Alsina, Carolina Cháves O’Flynn, Daniela Salcedo Arnaiz, Jovana Zujevic, Manuel Malia, Perla Masi, and Adriana Merino)


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